COSMOS participates to SWForum webinar

The COSMOS project has participated on 26 May 2021 to the first workshop hosted by the Horizon 2020 project, which is a support action that aims to create a self-sustainable forum that facilitates and encourages both researchers and practitioners as well as projects in software, digital infrastructure and cyber-security to create intersections of expertise and apply a multidisciplinary approach to research and innovation. A key output from the newly established SWForum project is to establish a European research roadmap for software engineering topics.
The first workshop focused on on Market and Technology Readiness Levels (MTRL) providing an overview of MTRL analysis and grading, achieving a single-valued result, and guidance for software technology projects embarking on MTRL self-assessments. The MRTL presented was considered quite useful for Innovation Actions developing near to market solutions under the Horizon 2020 programme as a tool for ensuring key actions have been put in place. However, the traditional MTRL approach was considered more challenging to apply for heavily research orientated projects addressing greenfield markets where alternative assessment measures need to be considered.